摘 要:本文结合系统工程应用,针对使用环境,由浅入深地介绍了一种雷达航迹仿真器的设计原理及实现途径。该仿真器能够使雷达系统在无须真实目标的环境下进行目标的搜索和跟踪,从而检验雷达系统的整体联动效果和性能。本设计思路可以拓展到其他型号雷达的检验过程中,为降低雷达系统训练成本提供了一种训练手段。
中图分类号:U665.22;TN955 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0067-03
Research on Designing Technology of Radar Track Simulator Based on a System
YANG Ke1,LI Defeng2,DU Huiying2
(1.Military Agency of Navy Stationed in Zhengzhou,Zhengzhou 450015,China;2.The 27th Research Institute of China Electronic Science and Technology Corporation,Zhengzhou 450047,China)
Abstract:Combined the system engineering application and the special using environment,this paper introduces the design principle and realized method of radar track simulator from shallow to deep. The radar track simulator can drive the radar system to search and track target,so that we can check the effectiveness and performance of radar system through the radar track simulator. The idea of the radar simulator can also be applied into other types of radar,and it provides an experimental method for reducing the cost of training radar system.
Keywords:radar;track simulation;simulator design
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