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(井冈山大学 电子与信息工程学院,江西 吉安 343009)

摘  要:本文介绍了一套实用性很强的图纸设计进度管理系统。为了满足当前建筑设计公司体制的需要,通过系统软件平台实现对图纸设计进度的监督和管理,利用里程碑的进度管理思想缩短工期。该系统解决了图纸设计中各专业设计人员的自定义工程进度、不同专业之间的协同配合的问题;提供实时的进度报告和进度监测,保证数据资料分析和调整措施的科学性和及时性。系统具有层次清晰的项目分类和任务列表,明确任务负责人,时间截止点;可以使使用者告别繁琐费时的会议,实现进度跟踪,绩效评估,从而提高执行力。


中图分类号: TP311         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0063-04

Design of Progress Management System for Architectural Drawings Based onMilestone Mode

YUAN Bo,DAN Shouyang

(School of Electronics and Information Engineering,Jinggangshan University,Ji’an 343009,China)

Abstract:This paper introduces a set of practical drawing design progress management system. Through the system softwareplatform to realize the supervision and management of the drawing design progress. It can not only meet the requirements of the currentsystem,but also shorten the construction period by using the idea of schedule management of the fast path method. The software systemmainly solves the problems of customized progress and collaborative work among different design specialties,including a sound progressreporting system and progress monitoring system to ensure the scientific and accurate data analysis and adjustment measures. The systemhas a clear hierarchy of project classification and sub-parent task list,clear task owners,deadlines;users can bid farewell to frequent andinefficient meetings;achieve data tracking,control progress and results,improve execution.

Keywords:progress management;milestone mode;parallel design


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