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4G-LTE 技术在移动通信工程中的应用研究
(上海邮电设计咨询研究院有限公司,上海 200092)

摘  要:4G-LTE 技术目标速率快、信道频谱宽、接口开放,能够在移动互联技术环境下进行多网络传输。在此背景下,本文通过分析4G-LTE 通信网络架构,详细阐述了移动通信工程中4G-LTE 技术的具体应用。实践研究表明,在移动通信传输速率方面,4G-LTE 技术能够通过载波聚合进行传输,提高宽带传输速率。同时,还可有效解决特定节点传输中存在的节点过于分散、数据量过少等问题,有效提升了移动通信工程智能化管理水平。

关键词:4G-LTE 技术;移动通信;工程智能化

中图分类号:TN929.53         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0065-02

Research on the Application of 4G-LTE Technology inMobile Communication Engineering

ZHANG Honghe

(Shanghai Post & Telecommunications Designing Consulting Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200092,China)

Abstract:4G-LTE technology has the advantages of fast target rate,wide channel spectrum and open interface,and can carry outmulti-network transmission in the mobile internet environment. In this context,this paper describes the specific application of 4G-LTEtechnology in mobile communication engineering by analyzing the 4G-LTE communication network architecture. Practical research showsthat in the aspect of mobile communication transmission rate,4G-LTE technology can improve the broadband transmission rate throughcarrier aggregation transmission. At the same time,it can also effectively solve the problems of the wireless optical fiber equipment in aspecific node transmission too decentralized,transmission node data less and other issues,effectively improving the level of intelligentmanagement of mobile communication engineering.

Keywords:4G-LTE technology;mobile communication;engineering intelligence


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