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(广州广电计量检测股份有限公司,广东 广州 510656)

摘  要:本文介绍了三环天线系统的原理、结构及其技术参数,确认系数的校准方法和不确定度的评定过程,符合GB/T6113.104-2016/CISPR 16-1-4:2012 中对三环天线的技术要求。同时结合多家设备生产商生产的三环天线的功能及技术参数,提出了三环天线的计量特性、测量标准、校准方法不确定度评定等过程满足生产、使用和溯源的技术要求,可做为三环天线校准的方法参考和技术依据。

关键词:三环天线;计量特性;确认系数;巴伦- 偶极子;不确定度

中图分类号:TN820         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0044-04

Calibration Method of Confirmation Coefficient and Evaluation ofUncertainty for Three-loop Antenna

LIU Xiaoqin

(Guangzhou GRG Metrology and Test Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510656,China)

Abstract:This paper introduces the principle,structure and calibration method of the technical parameters confirmationcoefficient and the evaluation process of the uncertainty of the three-loop antenna system,which is in accordance with GB/T 6113.104-2016/CISPR 16-1-4:2012 technical requirements for the antenna. At the same time,combined with the functions and technicalparameters of the three-loop antenna produced by several equipment manufacturers,the technical requirements of the measurement,measurement standards and calibration method uncertainty of the three-ring antenna are met,which can meet the technical requirementsof production,use and traceability. It can be used as a reference and technical basis for the cal ibration of three-loop antenna.

Keywords:three-loop antenna;measurement characteristics;confirmation coefficient;balun-dipole;uncertainty


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