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(广东省特种设备检测研究院珠海检测院,广东 珠海 519002)

摘  要:为了实现对两种不同类型电梯的速度信号进行采集,本文对加速度计和脉冲速度编码器分别进行了研究,并提出了一种利用WIFI 无线通信形式来完成两种速度采集的方法。通过下位机及上位机的程序设计实现了仪器的信号采集功能。实验结果表明,该仪器能够很好地完成电梯速度信号的采集及传输,两种方式均得到了相似的试验结果。


中图分类号:TN948.6         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0067-04

Research on Two Kinds of Elevator Speed Signal Acquisition by Wireless Communication 

CHEN Chenghua,LIN Xiaoming

(Zhuhai Testing Institute of Guangdong Special Equipment Testing Institute,Zhuhai 519002,China)

Abstract:In order to achieve the speed signal of two different types of elevator acquisition,accelerometer and pulse speed encoder are studied,put forward two methods of speed acquisition using a WIFI wireless communication form,through the program design of lower computer and PC,complete the function of signal acquisition instrument. The experimental results show that the instrument can complete the acquisition and transmission of the elevator speed signal well,and the two methods have obtained similar experimental results.

Keywords:elevator;speed;wireless communication

基金项目: 广东省质量技术监督局科技项目(2017CT06)


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