摘 要:三网融合背景下,广电要想提升竞争力,就必须进行网络双向化改造,目前双向化改造大多使用EOPN+EOC 的模式,其成为广电接入网改造的主流方式。然而EOC 设备缺少统一技术标准,管理难度较大,同时现有接入网管理模式存在故障定位较难、排障周期长等缺陷,并且其不具备全网设备综合监控能力,基于上述分析可知,现有方式无法满足管理要求,因此需根据现有要求构建EOC 接入网管理系统,其对广电公司具有重要意义。
中图分类号:TN943.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0073-03
Construction of Radio and Television EOC Access Network Management System
(Ningbo Beilun Digital TV Co.,Ltd.,Ningbo 315800,China)
Abstract:In the context of triple play,radio and television must have two-way transformation of network if they want to enhance competitiveness. At pre-sent,EOPN+EOC mode is mostly used in two-way transformation,and it has become the mainstream way of radio and TV access network transformation. However,EOC equipment lacks unified technical standard and is difficult to manage. At the same time,the existing access network management mode has many defects,such as fault location,long period of obstacle avoidance and so on. Based on the above analysis,we can see that the existing ways can not meet the management requirements,so we need to build EOC access network management system accord-ing to the existing requirements,which is of great significance for radio and television companies.
Keywords:triple play;EOC;access network management
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