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(山东正元地球物理信息技术有限公司,山东 济南 250101)

摘  要:本文阐述了基于北斗的管线安全预警系统的设计与实现,系统综合了GIS 空间分析、物联网实时监测预警、管网专业模型和分析模型集成等技术,形成了六大模块,即三维管网信息展示、城市管网信息展示、城市管网在线监控、城市管网安全预警、城市管网巡检养护及城市管网应急指挥。该系统的构建可大幅提升防灾能力,推进城市建设与数字化城市管理系统、智慧城市的融合。


中图分类号:TN913.8;TP277         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0086-02

Design and Implementation of Pipeline Safety Early Warning System Based on Beidou

GUO Yihan

(Shandong Zhengyuan Geophysical Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Jinan 250101,China)

Abstract:This paper describes the design and implementation of pipeline safety early warning system based on Beidou. The system integrates GIS spatial analysis,real-time monitoring and early warning of the internet of things,integration of pipe network professional model and analysis model. The system includes six modules:three-dimensional pipe network information display,urban pipe network information display,online monitoring of urban pipe network,urban pipe network security early warning,urban pipe network patrol maintenance and emergency command. The construction of this system can greatly enhance the disaster prevention ability and promote the integration with digital city management system and smart city.

Keywords:pipeline network security;Beidou;smart city;pipeline safety early warning


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