摘 要:目前,印刷四臂螺旋天线可以广泛的应用于诸如移动卫星通讯,广播卫星系统和全球定位系统等多种系统中。然而,对于这些系统应用而言,传统的印刷四臂螺旋天线的带宽已不能满足它们的需求。因此,本文设计一种新型的印刷四臂螺旋天线。展示了一种渐变辐射臂宽度和寄生短路臂相结合的宽带技术。同时本文提出了一种基于平行双线的功分馈电网络,有效的减小了传统四臂螺旋天线馈电网络的尺寸。实测结果表明该天线的工作带宽达到了28%(1.86 ~ 2.5GHz)以上。
中图分类号:TN823.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0048-06
Design of Broadband Folded Tapered Printed Quadrifilar Helical Antenna
(Southwest China Institute of Electronic Technology,Chengdu 610036,China)
Abstract:Today the printed quadrifilar helical antenna(PQHA)can be widely applied to many applications such as mobile satellite communications,broadcasting satellite systems and global positioning systems. Nevertheless,the bandwidth of a conventional PQHA could be insufficient for applications. A new PQHA design is investigated in this paper. A technique of Increasing the bandwidth of the PQHA by modifying the wire width and adding a shorted parasitic helix is presented. And a power divider based on double-sided parallel striplines(DSPSL)is proposed to reduce the size of the conventional feeding network. Experimental results show that the bandwidth can reach more than 28%(1.86-2.5GHz).
Keywords:broadband antenna;circular polarization;printed quadrifilar helical antenna(PQHA)
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