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(四川工商学院,四川 成都 611745)

摘  要:随着我国互联网的快速发展和4G网络的逐渐普及,电子消费产品得到了大力的发展,人们的生活和工作都被移动通信技术改变了很多。在这样的背景下,人们对于移动通信的需求逐渐增加,随着更多业务模式的出现,移动数据有着更高的承载需求,需要运营商去提高数据的容量和传输速率,从而也为移动业务的发展提供重要条件。根据相关部门的推测,5G技术将会在2020年实现商用,在5G真正进行全面应用之前,需要将5G技术运用到4G的网络当中,从而有效提升现有的网络能力,为业务的发展提供助力,同时也使得5G技术能够得到充分的应用,并使其作用得以发挥。


中图分类号:TN929.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0073-02

The Prospect of 5G Technology Applied in 4G Network


(Sichuan Technology and Business University,Chengdu 611745,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of internet and the gradual popularization of 4G network in China,electronic consumer products have been vigorously developed,and people’s life and work have been changed a lot by mobile communication technology. In this context,people’s demand for mobile communications is gradually increasing. With the emergence of more business models,mobile data has a higher carrying demand,which requires operators to improve the capacity and transmission rate of data,thus providing an important condition for the development of mobile services. According to the speculation of relevant departments,5G technology will be commercially available in 2020. Before 5G can be fully applied,5G technology needs to be applied in 4G network,so as to effectively enhance the existing network capacity,provide support for business development,and make 5G technology fully applied and its role achieved.

Keywords:5G technology;4G technology;network application


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