摘 要:该文分析了轨道交通各通信、机电子系统的业务特性,阐述各子系统对传输通道带宽、延时和抖动指标方面的需求;介绍了目前常见类型的传输设备在带宽和可靠性等方面的技术特点;分析了典型地铁线路通信信道带宽需求,在带宽需求计算过程中,充分考虑了各子系统扩容及可靠性需要,给予了适当的带宽计算冗余量。在此基础上,提出了新形势下的轨道交通建设规划中的传输设备选型和组网建议。
中图分类号:U282+.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)24-0063-03
Analysis of Network Planning for Rail Transit Transmission
YU Bin
(Xiamen Rail Transit Group Co.,Ltd.,Xiamen 361004,China)
Abstract:Analyze the business characteristics of the communication and electromechanical subsystems of rail transit,and explain the requirements of each subsystem on the transmission channel bandwidth,delay and jitter indicators. The technical characteristics of bandwidth and reliability of common types of transmission equipment are introduced. The bandwidth requirements of communication channels of typical subway lines are analyzed. In the calculation of bandwidth requirements,the expansion and reliability requirements of each subsystem are fully considered,and an appropriate amount of bandwidth calculation redundancy is given. Therefore,the transmission equipment selection and networking suggestions in the rail transit construction planning under the new situation are put forward.
Keywords:rail transit;transmission network;packet transmission network;ring network protection
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