摘 要:当今社会处于信息发展大时代当中,随着时代的发展,通信工程行业与各个不同领域的行业都存在着密切联系,尤其是在这个互联网迅速发展的时代大背景之下,“互联网+”对通信工程监理行业的发展产生了相应的影响。在经济高速发展的今天,传统监理方式已经不能更好地适应业主对通信工程监理方面的需求。目前通信工程监理行业市场竞争激烈,对于传统通信工程监理行业来说,在实际工作中存在着许多的问题,在与其他企业的竞争中处于弱势位置,正是由于这些原因,适应时代的发展,积极转变是通信工程监理行业现在工作的重心。而现在“互联网+”时代超前发展,不仅仅是信息技术在发展,而且通信技术也在不停地提升,这两项技术在各领域中都发挥着巨大作用,伴随新技术和互联网时代的到来,这些技术不仅仅影响人们的生活和工作方式,而且促进了整个社会的发展和进步。
中图分类号:TN913 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0080-03
Research on the Development Trend of Communication Engineering Supervision in the New Era
LUO Guoqing
(Beijing Yujinqiao Communication Construction Supervision Consulting Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100195,China)
Abstract:Today’s society is in the era of information development. With the development of the times,there is a close relationship between communication engineering industry and various fields. Especially under the background of the rapid development of the internet,“internet plus” has had a corresponding impact on the development of communication engineering supervision industry. Today,with the rapid development of economy,the traditional supervision mode has not been able to better adapt to the needs of the owner for the communication engineering supervision. At present,the market competition in the communication engineering supervision industry is fierce. For the traditional communication engineering supervision industry,there are many problems in the actual work,and the competition with other enterprises is weak. It is precisely because of these reasons that to adapt to the development of the times and actively change is the focus of the current work of the communication engineering supervision industry. Now the development of “internet plus” era is not only the development of information technology,but also the continuous upgrading of communication technology. These two technologies play a great role in all fields. With the advent of new technology and the internet era,these technologies not only affect people’s life and work style,but also promote the development and progress of the whole society.
Keywords:“internet plus”;communication engineering;communication engineering supervision
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