摘 要:根据敌我识别系统中对 ACARS 数据链识别解调的需求,分析了 ACARS 的基带信号特点。针对 ACARS 基带信号的 MSK 解调易受噪声和频偏影响的问题,对 3 种常用的 MSK 解调方法进行了比较分析与仿真测试。在结构分析中可以看出数字差分解调的构成易于工程实现,适合于 FPGA 上实现高速 MSK 解调。解调正确率的测试结果表明,数字差分解调方法相较于几种常规 MSK 解调方法,其误码率更低,抗频偏能力更强。
中图分类号:TN971.+1;TN919.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0061-05
Research on Anti-interference Performance of MSK Demoulation Method Based on ACARS Data Link
WANG Minjie,WEN Ronghui,CHEN Yujun
(Guilin Changhai Development Co.,Ltd.,Guilin 541001,China)
Abstract:According to the requirement of ACARS data link identification and demodulation in IFF system,the baseband signal characteristics of ACARS are analyzed. Aiming at the problem that the MSK demodulation of ACARS baseband signal is easily affected by noise and frequency offset,three kinds of commonly used MSK demodulation methods are compared,analyzed and simulated. In the structural analysis,it can be seen that the structure of DDM is easy to implement in engineering,and it is suitable for high-speed MSK demodulation on FPGA. The test results of demodulation accuracy show that compared with several conventional MSK demodulation methods,the digital differential demodulation method has lower bit error rate and stronger anti frequency offset ability.
Keywords:ACARS;MSK;digital differential demodulation;frequency offset;bit error rate
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