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(重庆通信行业职业技能鉴定中心,重庆 401121)

摘  要:虽然自改革开放以来,我国社会经济与科学技术的不断发展将网络通信行业的发展进一步推向了新高度,但依然存在着维护管理方式落后等诸多问题与缺陷亟待解决,如何尽可能地完善通信网络工程项目的质量管理与维护成了该行业的重点研究对象。针对通信网络工程项目的质量维护与管理存在的问题,研究提出相应的对策与建议,以便各大通信企业参考借鉴。


中图分类号:TN913.3         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0076-03

Quality Maintenance and Management of Communication Network Engineering Project

LI Xuemei

(Chongqing Communication Industry Occupational Skill Identification Center,Chongqing 401121,China)

Abstract:Since the reform and opening up,the continuous development of China’s social economy and science and technology has pushed the development of the network communication industry to a new height,but there are still many problems and defects to be solved,such as the backward maintenance management mode. How to improve the quality management and maintenance of the communication network engineering project as much as possible has become the key research object of the industry. In order to solve the problems in the quality maintenance and management of communication network engineering projects,the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the reference of major communication enterprises.

Keywords:communication network engineering project;quality maintenance;management principles


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