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(中国移动通信集团广东有限公司河源分公司,广东 河源 517000)

摘  要:通过对移动互联网发展过程中出现的问题进行深入剖析,对存在的移动互联网感知慢问题提出了相应对策及解决方案,包括剖析互联网感知慢的三大原因,创新性地在城域网和末端网络加入安全网关技术,对非正常工作应用,比如 BT 下载等进行流量控制,释放更多带宽资源给正常工作的应用,同时清除病毒,根据关键字过滤色情、暴力、非法等不安全内容,构建了绿色健康安全上网环境。此外还介绍了具体成功案例,提出的安全技术手段还能向客户提供增值服务,从而提高客户满意度,满足客户多样化需求。


中图分类号:TN918         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0081-03

The Improvement of Perception Quality of Internet Special Line

LIAO Xuekai

(Heyuan Branch of China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co.,Ltd.,Heyuan 517000,China)

Abstract:This paper deeply analyzes the problems in the development of mobile internet,and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and solutions for the slow perception of mobile internet,including analyzing the three reasons for the slow perception of internet,innovatively adding security gateway technology to man and terminal network,controlling the flow of abnormal working applications such as BT download,releasing more bandwidth resources are provided to normal working applications,virus is removed,and unsafe content such as pornography,violence,and illegality is filtered according to keywords. A green,healthy and safe internet environment is constructed. This paper also introduces the specific successful cases,and proposes that the security technology can also provide value-added services to customers,so as to improve customer satisfaction and meet the diversified needs of customers.

Keywords:content control;flow control;group dedicated line;behavior management


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