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(三峡新能源四子王风电有限公司,内蒙古 乌兰察布 001800)

摘  要:光伏电站生产运行中汇流箱故障频发,其中汇流箱通信故障在故障类型中占比最大,减少汇流箱通信故障十分必要。以光伏电站汇流箱运行记录数据为依据,经实地调研并结合设备资料,分析得出汇流箱故障的主要原因是逆变器引入的高频干扰和雷击造成浪涌过电压干扰,并提出相应措施。措施实施后能有效降低该光伏电站汇流箱故障发生频率,对光伏电站减少设备故障频次有借鉴意义。



中图分类号:TM615;TP336                           文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)05-0087-04

Fault Analysis and Solution of Junction Box in Shangdu Tianrun Photovoltaic Power Station

JIA Shaorong,JIA Yue

(Three Gorges New Energy Siziwang Wind Power Co.,Ltd.,Ulanqab 001800,China)

Abstract:In the production and operation of a photovoltaic power station,the junction box failure occurs frequently,and the communication failure of the junction box accounts for the largest proportion among the fault types. It is very necessary to reduce the communication failure of the junction box. Based on the operation record data of junction box in photovoltaic power station,through field investigation and combined with equipment data,it is concluded that the main causes of junction box fault are high-frequency interference introduced by inverter and surge overvoltage interference caused by lightning stroke,and corresponding measures are put forward. After the implementation of the measures,the failure frequency of the junction box of the photovoltaic power station can be effectively reduced,which has reference significance for the photovoltaic power station to reduce the frequency of equipment failure.

Keywords:junction box of photovoltaic power station;communication failure analysis;solution


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作者简介:贾少荣(1983.04—),男,汉族,内蒙古乌兰察布人, 工程师,本科,研究方向:风力发电运维管理、电气工程自动化; 贾岳(1989.09—),男,汉族,内蒙古乌兰察布人,工程师,本科, 研究方向:风力发电技术及安全管理。