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Route-map 在重发布中应用的典型案例分析与实现
(扬州工业职业技术学院,江苏 扬州 225127)

摘  要:文章以一个实际工程中典型的案例为基础,探讨了 route-map 这个非常强大而有用的工具的使用方法以及 routemap 在重发布技术中的应用技巧。在完成基础配置以及动态路由协议 RIP 和 OSPF 配置后利用重发布实现全网互通,最后为了实现数据分流和链路备份,使用 ACL 抓取路由条目,配置 route-map 并在重发布时应用。通过相应的部署,可以实现数据分流和链路备份,保障网络的可靠性和稳定性。上述探讨既有助于读者对 route-map 和重发布技术相关工作原理的理解,又有助于熟练掌握其配置方法。



中图分类号:TP393.04                                       文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0061-03

Typical Case Analysis and Implementation of Route-map Application in Republication

MA Mei

(Yangzhou Polytechnic Institute,Yangzhou 225127,China)

Abstract:Based on a typical case in a practical project,this paper discusses the usage method of route-map,a very powerful and useful tool,and the application skills of route-map in republication technology. After finishing the basic configuration and the configuration of dynamic routing protocol RIP and OSPF,the whole network interworking is realized by republication. Finally,in order to achieve data diversion and link backup,ACL is used to capture the routing entry,configure route-map and apply it during republication. Through the relevant deployment,data diversion and link backup can be realized to ensure the reliability and stability of the network. Above discussion is helpful for readers to understand the related working principle of route-map and republication technology,it is also helpful to master its configuration method expertly.

Keywords:route-map;republication;data diversion;link backup


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作者简介:马梅(1980—),女,汉族,湖北天门人,副教授, 硕士研究生,研究方向:单片机应用技术和网络技术应用。