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智能天线中二维 DOA 估计算法研究
(中国西南电子技术研究所,四川 成都 610036)

摘  要:来波到达角估计是智能天线感知外界复杂电磁环境的关键技术。智能天线只有在准确感知外界复杂电磁环境的变化之后,才能做出有效的波束形成策略。文章将多种一维 DOA 估计算法拓展到二维 DOA 估计算法,并仿真分析了各算法在处理非相干信号及相干信号时的性能,对比分析了各种二维 DOA 估计算法在估计入射信号方位角与俯仰角的准确度与估计速度,对二维 DOA 算法工程应用起到了推进作用。

关键词:智能天线;相干信号源;阵列信号处理;均匀矩形阵列;二维 DOA 估计


中图分类号:TN911.7                                  文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0049-04

Research on Tow-dimensional DOA Estimation Algorithm in Smart Antenna

LIU Yilin

(Southwest China Institute of Electronic Technology,Chengdu 610036,China)

Abstract:Direction of arrival estimation is the key technology for smart antenna to perceive the external complex electromagnetic environment. Smart antenna can make an effective beamforming strategy only after accurately sensing the changes of the external complex electromagnetic environment. This paper expands a variety of one-dimensional DOA estimation algorithms to two-dimensional DOA estimation algorithms,simulates and analyzes the performance of each algorithm in processing incoherent and coherent signals,compares and analyzes the accuracy and estimation speed of various two-dimensional DOA estimation algorithms in estimating the azimuth and pitch angle of incident signals,which promotes the engineering application of twodimensional DOA algorithm.

Keywords:smart antenna;coherent signal source;array signal processing;uniform rectangular array;two-dimensional DOA estimation


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作者简介:刘一麟(1990—),男,汉族,甘肃兰州人,工程 师,博士,主要研究方向:智能天线。