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基于 LVDS 和光纤以太网的声纳拖线阵状态跟踪系统
(中国船舶集团有限公司第七二六研究所,上海 201108)

摘  要:只有在满足一定的水深要求、航速要求以及电力供应所需的各项条件的情况下,才能保证声纳拖线阵的正常运行。此外,拖线阵自身的旋转程度、扭曲程度以及水下方位等因素也会对其性能造成一定影响。为了实时监测拖线阵在水下的位置状态,设计了一款基于 LVDS 和光纤以太网的声纳拖线阵状态跟踪系统。该系统在正常工作的同时,对换能器的声干扰较小,具有故障易定位,维修、更换方便等优点。



中图分类号:TN919;TB56                              文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0035-04

Sonar Towed Array State Tracking System Based on LVDS and Optical Fiber Ethernet

LIN Weixuan, LI Anyang

(The 726th Research Institute of CSIC, Shanghai 201108, China)

Abstract: The normal operation of sonar towed array can be guaranteed only when a certain water depth requirements, navigational speed requirements and various conditions required by power supply are met. In addition, the rotation degree, distortion degree, underwater orientation of towed array and other factors will also affect its performance. In order to monitor the underwater position of towed array in real time, a sonar towed array state tracking system based on LVDS and optical fiber Ethernet is designed. While the system works normally, it has less acoustic interference to the energy converter, and has the advantages of easy fault location, convenient maintenance and replacement, etc.

Keywords: towed array; state tracking; LVDS; optical fiber Ethernet


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作者简介:林威煊(1994.01—),男,汉族,江苏南通人, 助理工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:数字电路设计。