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(广州海格通信集团股份有限公司,广东 广州 510663)

摘  要:随遇接入组网控制技术是为了解决通信不同接入子网接入骨干网时,对不同用户接入控制服务进行差异性管理。文章给出了一种多手段随遇接入组网控制技术方案和实现方式,通过分析民用移动通信接入 NAS 协议,结合战术窄带通信网络现有相关特征,设计出一种多手段随遇接入技术,来满足战术窄带通信网络中一些典型场景下用户的使用需求。该技术已实现并应用。



中图分类号:TP393                                       文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0051-03

A Multi-means Random Access Networking Control Technology

CHENG Liangliang, HU Zhiwei

(Guangzhou Haige Communication Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510663, China)

Abstract: Random access networking control technology is to solve the problem of differential management of access control services for different users when different access subnets of communication access the backbone network. This paper gives a multi-means random access networking control technology scheme and implementation approach, through analyzing civil mobile communication access NAS protocol, combined with the related feature of tactical narrowband communication network, this paper designs a multi-means random access technology to satisfy the user’s using requirements in tactical narrowband communication network under some typical scenarios. The technology has been implemented and applied.

Keywords: access network; backbone network; NAS; random access; networking control


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