摘 要:在社会经济大发展大繁荣的背景下,人民群众的生活水平逐渐提高,物质文化需求也逐渐提高。信息化技术在这一时期飞速地发展,逐渐被运用到各个领域,成为推动社会发展和经济进步的重要因素,尤其在移动通信领域,信息化技术得到了很好的应用。在这一背景下,移动通信网络逐渐通过云计算技术进行自身的优化。本文主要研究云计算技术下的移动通信网络优化。
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0071-02
The Optimization of Mobile Communication Network under the Cloud Computing Technology
JIANG Jinhui
(Guangdong Southern Communication Construction Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510630,China)
Abstract:Under the background of social and economic development and prosperity,people’s living standards have gradually improved,material and cultural needs have gradually increased. Information technology has been developed rapidly in this period. It has been applied to various fields and has become an important factor to promote social development and economic progress,especially in the field of mobile communication. Under this background,the mobile communication network has gradually optimized itself through cloud computing technology. This paper mainly studies the optimization of mobile communication network under cloud computing technology.
Keywords:cloud computing technology;mobile communication network
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