摘 要:通过对 QoS 调度、资源预留以及载波隔离三种无线切片技术进行研究,文章对实现三种技术的原理进行分析。从基于产业链成熟度的角度上,以三个阶段来划分无线切片的部署策略。基于共建共享网络,文章制定三个阶段的无线部署方案,确保在用户差异化感知得到保障的基础上,实现营业商双方资源的对等公平。
关键词:5G 网络;无线切片技术;QoS 调度;资源预留;载波隔离
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0050-04
Research on Wireless Slicing Technology under the 5G Network
WANG Jingyi
(Wuhan Vocational College of Communications and Publishing, Wuhan 430223, China)
Abstract: Through the research of the three wireless slicing technologies of QoS scheduling, resource reservation and carrier isolation, this paper analyzes the principles of implementing the three technologies. From the perspective of industry chain maturity, the deployment strategy of wireless slicing is divided into three stages. And based on the co-construction and sharing network, this paper formulates a three-stage wireless deployment scheme, ensures that the resources of both operators are equal and fair on the basis of guaranteeing the differentiated perception of users.
Keywords: 5G network; wireless slicing technology; QoS scheduling; resource reservation; carrier isolation
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