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基于数据挖掘的移动通信客户流失 预测模型研究与应用
(上海理工大学,上海 200093)

摘  要:客户流失是移动通信运营商面临的重大难题,基于当前客户的基本信息及交易行为记录,通过数据挖掘进行建模及客户流失预测分析,不仅可以挽留潜在流失客户,也可以使运营商有针对性地优化产品和服务,提升客户管理策略。文章将统计学理论和数据挖掘技术通入金融管理理论,对移动通信运营行业的客户流失情况进行分析,构建高效的流失预测模型,优化客户服务管理体系,为解决用户流失问题和构建个性化用户运营机制提供了新的研究思路和分析方法。



中图分类号:TP391                                      文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0041-06

Research and Application of Mobile Communication Customer Churn Prediction Model Based on Data Mining


(University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)

Abstract: Customer churn is a major problem which is faced by the mobile communication operator. Based on the basic information and trading behavior record of the current customers, it carries out modeling and customer churn prediction analysis through the data mining, not only could retain the potential lost customers, but also makes the operator optimize products and services and improve customer management strategy. This paper introduces the statistical theory and data mining technology into the theory of financial management, analyzes the customer churn condition of mobile communication industry, builds an effective churn prediction model, optimizes the customer service management system, and provides a new research thinking and analysis method for solving the problem of user churn and building a personalized user operating mechanism,.

Keywords: customer management; statistical theory; customer churn prediction model


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