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(兰州空间技术物理研究所,甘肃 兰州 730000)

摘  要:根据产品设计规范、产品生产过程记录材料以及试验相关资料,对某星载二次电源研制过程中,冲击试验时耳片损伤问题进行了原因分析。探究了冲击试验时耳片损伤的机理,提出了增加耳片数量的改进措施,并通过理论分析与试验对改进措施进行了验证。分析结果表明改进措施有效,明显提高了耳片设计裕度。试验结果表明,试验后试验件耳片无损伤,增加耳片数量解决了冲击试验时耳片损伤的问题。



中图分类号:TP391.9                                      文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0048-04

Reason Analysis and Improvement Measures of the Onboard Secondary Power Supply Lug Damage

XIE Xiaolong, WANG Kecheng, DUAN Lijun, ZHOU Bin, WEI Dongdong

(Lanzhou Institute of Physics, CAST, Lanzhou 730000, China)

Abstract: According to the production design specification, production recording materials in productive process and related test data, this paper analyzes the reason of power supply lug damage problem in impact test during the development process of the onboard secondary power supply. It explores the mechanism of the power supply lug damage in impact test, and puts forward the improvement measures of increasing the number of power supply lug. Then it verifies the improvement measures by theoretical analysis and experiment. The analysis results show that the measures improves the design margin of supply lug, and the test results show that the improvement measures are effective and significantly improve the design margin of power supply lug. The test results show that the test piece of power supply lug has no damage after the test, and increasing the number of power supply lug solves the problem of power supply lug damage in the impact test.

Keywords: power supply lug damage; impact; test


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