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(优利德科技(中国)股份有限公司,广东 东莞 523808)

摘  要:文章研究一种可以同时适用于检测判断单向晶闸管和双向晶闸管正常或故障的方法。将至少两个模拟开关以及处理单元,分别连接在晶闸管的门极和第二主电极上,利用模拟开关向晶闸管输出高电平,再读取被测晶闸管的导通电压值,就能够检测出晶闸管是否存在损坏或者短路等问题。通过此方式,可以同时检测单向晶闸管与双向晶闸管的故障状态与引脚极性,并将此方法应用在万用表设计上。



中图分类号:TM932                                         文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)20-0056-04

Detection Method and its Application for the State and Polarity of a Thyristor

YANG Zhiling

(Uni-Trend Technology (China) Co., Ltd., Dongguan 523808, China)

Abstract: This paper studies a method that can be applied to detect and judge the normal or fault of unidirectional thyristor and bidirectional thyristor at the same time. It connects at least two analog switches and processing units to the gate electrode and the second main electrode of the thyristor respectively, uses the analog switch to output a high level to the thyristor, and then reads the breakover voltage value of the tested thyristor, and it could detect whether there are problems on thyristor such as damaged or short-circuited. In this way, the fault state and pin polarity of the unidirectional thyristor and the bidirectional thyristor can be detected at the same time, and this method can be applied to the design of the multimeters.

Keywords: thyristor; Silicon Controlled Rectifier; polarity; analog switch; trigger ability; detection;


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