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一种基于 FPGA 的信道多级 AGC 控制方法
(广州海格通信集团股份有限公司,广东 广州 510700)

摘  要:通信系统接收机的信号接收单元一般采用自动增益控制(AGC),文章针对通信系统接收机设计需具备大动态接收范围的发展需求,提出了一种基于 FPGA 的信道多级 AGC 控制方法。该方法主要由大信号抑制控制单元、开环 AGC 控制单元和闭环 AGC 控制单元串联组成多级控制系统,实现对通信系统接收机信道大动态范围信号强度的有效 AGC 控制。试验验证表明:该控制方法实现了对接收机接收信号高控制精度和快速反应时间的可靠控制。该控制方法,具有防止大信号失真、输出信号电压稳定、响应速度快、大动态范围和抗干扰性能较好等优点。



中图分类号:TN85                                             文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0062-03

A Channel Multi-Level AGC Control Method Based on FPGA

SU Feng, LI Fei, CHEN Jiaxin

(Guangzhou Haige Communication Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510700, China)

Abstract: The signal receiving unit of communication system receiver generally adopts Automatic Gain Control (AGC). This paper proposes a channel multi-level AGC control method based on FPGA to meet the development requirements of communication system receiver design with large dynamic receiving range. This method mainly consists of a large signal suppression control unit, an open loop AGC control unit and a closed loop AGC control unit in series to form a multi-level control system, which can realize the effective AGC control of signal strength of the communication system receiver channel in a large dynamic range. The experimental results show that this control method can achieve reliable control of high control accuracy and fast response time of the received signal of the receiver. The control method has the advantages of preventing large signal distortion, stable output signal voltage, fast response speed, large dynamic range and good anti-interference performance.

Keywords: communication system; receiver; large dynamic range; automatic gain control; multi-level series connection


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