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LTE 无线网络优化思路探讨
(广西电信河池分公司无线网优中心,广西 河池 547000)

摘  要:随着当今时代网络技术的不断发展,LTE 无线网逐步成为当下人们在通信方面的主要使用方式。在当前,全国各家运营商所把握的LTE 在基础无线网方面的技术大都相差不大,因此全国各家运营商之间有着非常强烈的竞争。而从另外的一个层面来讲,即是在LTE 基础无线网技术并没有明显差别的情况下,哪家运营商能对LTE 无线网实施出优化状态,谁就能在激烈的竞争中获得领先,能够发展出更多的使用客户。在本文中笔者分析了LTE 无线网的现阶段发展状况,提出了改良LTE 无线网技术的基本思路。

关键词:LTE 无线网;网络优化;无线网改良

中图分类号:TN929.5        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0055-03

Discussion on Optimizing LTE Wireless Network

DENG Xiongcai

(Guangxi Telecom Hechi Branch Wireless Network Optimization Center,Hechi 547000,China)

Abstract:With the continuous development of network technology in today’s era,LTE wireless network has gradually become the main mode of communication for the people. At present,the technology of LTE in basic wireless network is not very different among operators in China,so there is a very strong competition among operators in our country. In another aspect,in the case of no obvious difference in LTE basic wireless network technology,which operator can optimize the LTE wireless network,who can gain the lead in the fierce competition and develop more users. In this paper,the author analyzed the current development of LTE wireless network,and proposed how to improve the LTE wireless network technology.

Keywords:LTE wireless network;network optimization;wireless network improvement


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作者简介:邓雄才(1973.10-),男,壮族,广西大化人, 本科,移动通信工程师,主要从事移动通信网络优化方面的研究。