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(承德石油高等专科学校,河北 承德 067000)

摘  要:智能穿戴设备是智慧养老体系的重要组成部分,具有实时监测与采集老年人生理数据的功能,是连接智慧养老系统与老年人个体间的重要纽带,智能穿戴设备的优劣直接影响着智慧养老服务系统的性能。从智慧养老技术发展的角度出发,对智能穿戴设备的功能需求进行了详尽分析,给出了智能穿戴设备将向着便携化、智能化、多样化的方向发展的判断和论述。


中图分类号:TP391.44;TN929.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0145-03

Research and Development Prospect of Intelligent Wearing Equipment in
Intelligent Pension System
LI Dawei
(Chengde Petroleum College,Chengde 067000,China)

Abstract:Intelligent wearing equipment is an important part of the intelligent pension system. It has the function of real-time monitoring and collecting physiological data of the elderly. It is an important link between the intelligent pension system and the elderly individuals. The quality of the intelligent wearing equipment directly affects the performance of the intelligent pension service system. From the perspective of the development of intelligent pension technology,the functional requirements of intelligent wearing equipment are analyzed in detail,and the judgment and discussion that intelligent wearing equipment will develop towards portability,intellectualization and diversification are given.

Keywords:intelligent pension;wearing equipment;intelligent wearing


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