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(1. 广州羊城通有限公司,广东 广州 510030;2. 广东工业大学 自动化学院,广东 广州 510006)

摘  要:在大数据背景下对交通出行服务的基本状况进行分析,发现智慧交通出行服务面临数据资源共享难、各领域数据相对分散、缺乏行业信息资源整合等问题。通过研究一站式出行服务平台内容,制定统一的数据规范,建设一站式出行服务云平台管理系统以及系统数据框架,完成跨地区、跨部门应用系统之间的数据交换工作,实现与部级综合交通出行信息服务云平台的对接,充分利用大数据决策,调配最优资源,构建满足出行需求的大交通生态。

关键词:大数据;交通出行;一站式;出行服务;互联网+ 交通

中图分类号:TP311.13        文献标识码:A        章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0154-03

Application Research of Guangzhou One-stop Travel Service Platform Based on Big Data Technology

XIE Zhendong1,ZHANG Xusheng2,SHU Haowei1,GU Yubo1,WEN Xiaoli1,CHEN Jun1

(1.Guangzhou Yangchengtong Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510030,China;2.Guangdong University of Technology,School of Automation,Guangzhou 510006,China)

Abstract:In the context of big data technology,this paper analyzes the basic situation of traffic travel services and finds that intelligent traffic travel services are faced with difficulties in sharing data resources,relatively dispersed data in various fields,and lack of integration of industrial information resources. By studying the content of the one-stop travel service platform,formulating unified data specifications,and building the one-stop travel service cloud platform management system and system data framework,complete data exchange between regional and departmental applications,To achieve the docking with the ministerial-level comprehensive traffic information service cloud platform,make full use of big data decision-making,allocate the optimal resources,and build a large traffic ecology to meet the travel demand.

Keywords:big data;transportation;one-stop;travel service;internet plus transportation


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作者简介:谢振东(1966.09-),男,汉族,湖北荆州人, 博士后,教授,高级工程师,研究方向:智能交通、交通信息化。