摘 要:随着国家级战略的推进,智能制造凸显出前所未有的经济价值。得益于芯片技术和传感技术的普及和成本的降低,物联网- 大数据的创新性在不同行业得到体现。本文基于物联网- 大数据的思路,结合机械行业的特点,简述了预测性售后服务的思路、可行性和待解决的问题,这将是新经济形势下售后服务的发展趋势。
中图分类号:TP311.13;TP391.44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0190-03
Predictive After-sales Service Based on Internet of Things and Big Data Analysis
LUO Junwei
(Wuxuan County Water Conservancy Bureau,Wuxuan 545900,China)
Abstract:With the promotion of national strategy,intelligent manufacturing highlights economic value. Thanks to the popularityof chip technology and sensing technology and cost reduction,the innovation of internet of things-big data has been demonstrated indifferent industries. Based on the idea of increasing the data of internet of things and combining with the characteristics of mechanicalindustry,this paper briefly describes the idea,feasibility and problems to be solved of predictive after-sales service,which will be thedevelopment trend of after-sales service in the new economic situation.
Keywords:internet of things;big data;after-sales service;automation
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