摘 要:当前,4G 网络已被人们广泛使用,它不仅用于人与人之间的通信,还应用于物联网(IoT),并推动物联网相关技术的快速发展,不断满足未来物联网需求。目前,人们对机器型通信(MTC)的需求造成了各种通信技术具有多种服务要求,从而实现现代物联网的愿景。尽管这样,现有物联网通信技术仍然面临诸多挑战,如大量节点连接,安全性和隐私以及对应标准制订等问题,并且由于4G 网络设计的局限性,导致其对物联网的优化程度比较差。随着5G 网络技术的日趋成熟,基于5G 网络的物联网将会得到更大的性能提升,包括增强蜂窝网运营容量,提高物联网安全性以及网络挑战能力等。本文主要介绍了目前5G IoT 的最新通信技术以及5G IoT 的主要研究趋势和挑战。
关键词:5G 网络;物联网通信技术(IoT);第五代物联网(5G IoT)
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0195-03
IoT Communication Technology and Challenge Based on 5G Network
MA Shaojie
(China Mobile Communications Group Henan Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450008,China)
Abstract:The current 4G network has been widely used by people,not only for human-to-human communication,but also for theInternet of Thing(IoT),and promotes the rapid development of related technologies to meet the needs of the future IoT applications.At present,the demand for Machine Type Communication(MTC)has led to a variety of communication technologies with diverseservice requirements to achieve the modern IoT version. However,the existing IoT communication technologies are faced with manychallenges,such as a large number of node connections,poor security and privacy,and the corresponding standard formulation andother issues. Besides,the 4G network has a poor ability to optimize the IoT due to its design limitations. With the maturing of 5G networktechnology,the 5G network-based IoT will achieve even greater performance improvements,including enhancing the operating capacityof cellular network,improving the IoT security and network challenge capabilities. This paper mainly introduces the latest communicationtechnologies for 5G IoT research and the main research trends and challenges of 5G IoT.
Keywords:5G network;internet of things communication technology(IoT);5G internet of things(5G IoT)
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