摘 要:随着物联网技术的迅猛发展,物联网设备与云计算相结合,成为物联网使用的主流方向。在这样的背景下,物联网设备需要将自身数据上传至云端,并支持从云端发起的对物联网设备的控制。同时,还需要支持收集物联网设备的使用数据进行归纳与分析,进一步调整设备的使用,并预测其未来的使用情况。本设计利用物联网技术,开发了一套基于Web 和移动端的控制系统,实现对智能电器设备的管理和控制。
中图分类号:TP391.44;TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0187-03
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Electrical Appliance Management SystemBased on Internet of Things
WANG Xuemei,GUO Benqing
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253000,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of internet of things technology,the combination of internet of things devices and cloudcomputing has become the mainstream direction of the use of the internet of things. In this context,internet of things devices need toupload their own data to the cloud and support cloud-initiated control of the internet of things devices. At the same time,it also needsto support the collection of data on the use of the internet of things equipment to summarize and analyze,further adjust the use ofequipment,and predict its future use. This design uses the Internet of Things technology,developed a set of control system based on Weband mobile terminal,to achieve the management and control of intelligent electrical equipment.
Keywords:Web;internet of things;intelligent appliances
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