摘 要:我国已全面进入信息化时代,互联网与物联网已经成为当前社会发展的主要推动力。本文通过对互联网与物联网的内涵以及物联网与互联网之间的联系进行详细分析,来达到研究出物联网与互联网应用前景的目的。
中图分类号:TN929.5;TP391.44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0197-02
The Relationship Between Internet of Things and the Internet andIts Application Prospects
ZHAO Yanping
(Qinghai Open University,Xining 810008,China)
Abstract:China has entered the information age in an all-round way. The internet and the internet of things have become the maindriving force of social development. This paper will make a detailed analysis of the connotation of internet and internet of things and theconnection between the internet of things and the internet. To achieve the application prospects purpose of studying the internet of thingsand internet.
Keywords:internet;internet of things;information age
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