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基于GPRS 和LORA 的大棚智能灌溉系统探索与设计
(广西慧云信息技术有限公司,广西 南宁 530007)

摘  要:相比于传统的种植田地方式,大棚是个封闭的农业生产设施。自然降雨不能被直接利用,大棚内农作物需要的水分完全依靠人工灌溉措施来保证。而传统的灌溉方式效率低、人工成本高,亟需向自动化、智能化转变。随着科学技术的发展,尤其是物联网技术在农业生产中的逐步应用,智能灌溉已经成为大棚灌溉的发展趋向。本文主要探讨了基于GPRS 和LORA 的大棚智能灌溉系统的探索与设计。

关键词:GPRS 技术;LORA 技术;大棚智能灌溉

中图分类号:S126;S274         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0189-03

The Exploration and Design of Greenhouse Intelligent Irrigation SystemBased on GPRS and LORA

FENG Jun,WANG Xiaodong,SHEN Zhihui,YANG Yang

(Talent Cloud Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Nanning 530007,China)

Abstract:Greenhouse is a closed agriculture facilities compared with the traditional planting fields. The requisite moisture forcrops in greenhouse completely depends on artificial irrigation,because the natural rainfall can’t be absorbed by the crops directly.As the efficiency of traditional irrigation is very low and the cost of labor is very high,so the traditional irrigation urgently needed to bemore automated and more intelligent. With the development of science and technology,especially the internet of things has been using inagricultural production gradually,the intelligent irrigation has been a trend in the developing of greenhouse irrigation. The purpose of thisstudy was to explore and design a greenhouse intelligent irrigation system based on GPRS and LORA.

Keywords:general packet radio service technology;LORA technology;greenhouse intelligent irrigation


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