摘 要:区块链是近几年受到广泛关注的技术之一,它可以使数据库的安全性大大提高,但是又不需要获得行政机构的授信。最初使用时“区块”与“链”是区别使用的,后来才发展为“区块链”一个词,其对于金融脱媒有着巨大的潜能,并且可以引导全球贸易的发展。区块链的应用广泛性与其所带来的巨大的利益使在全球化中的各国都加大投资来发展。本文阐述了区块链的发展概要,深刻剖析了其所能带来的效益与影响,并分析了其对教育方面的深刻影响。
中图分类号:TP393.02;TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0197-02
Research on Block Chain Technology and Its Application
LIANG Shenghui,LI Xueling,LU Jianyi
(Chongzuo Power Supply Bureau,Chongzuo 532200,China)
Abstract:Block chain is one of the most widely concerned technologies in recent years. It can greatly improve the security ofdatabase,but it does not need to get the credit from administrative agencies. The term“ block” was originally used differently from“ chain”,but later developed into the term “block chain”,which has great potential for financial disintermediation and can guide the developmentof global trade. The extensive application of block chain and its enormous benefits make the countries in the globalization increaseinvestment and development. This paper expounds the development outline of block chain,deeply analyzes its benefits and effects,andanalyzes its profound impact on education.
Keywords:block chain;university education;application scenario;new educational ecology
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