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基于 N B-IoT 的茶园监控系统的设计
(武夷学院 数学与计算机学院,福建 武夷山 354300)

摘  要:本文主要对基于 NB-IoT 的茶山监控系统 APP 进行相关的设计,从 APP 的结构、构成和后台进行阐述。通过硬件和软件两个方面进行实现:硬件方面主要是 KL36 单片机作为主要的处理器,通过各类与之相关的传感器进行设计与开发,对电源、温度传感器、湿度传感器、LCD、串口通信等模块也统一进行了设计和规划。软件方面主要介绍了这套系统的运行方式,并且用手机 APP 的形式体现出来,使用者可以更好地进行人机交互,并且通过一定的方式降低了嵌入式开发成本。


中图分类号:TP277         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0188-03

D esign of Tea G arden M onitoring System Based on N B-IoT

RUAN Xing,TAN Junwen,CHEN Jinshui

(School of Mathematics and Computer,Wuyi University,Wuyishan 354300,China)

Abstract: This paper focuses on the design of NB-IoT tea hill monitoring system based on the APP,from the APP structure,composition,and background. Through hardware and software to achieve:hardware is the main KL36 MCU as the main processorthrough the design and development of all kinds of related sensors,the power supply,temperature sensor,humidity sensor,LCD,serial communication module is also unified design and planning. The software mainly introduces the operation mode of this system,which is reflected in the form of mobile APP. Users can have better human-computer interaction and reduce the embedded development costin a certain way.

Keyword: NB-IoT;embedded;APP;sensor


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作者简介:谭钧文(1998-),男,汉族,湖南长沙人,本科在读,研究方向:Android 软件开发、Java 程序设计、Python。