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(广州市粤峰高新技术股份有限公司,广东 广州 510663)

摘  要:商砼管理系统是利用北斗定位系统、移动通讯技术、视觉识别技术、智能传感器等先进技术手段,并结合商砼行业的实际经营状况,建立的一套能够在商砼车辆运行过程中实时监控管理、智能调度管理的系统,可以通过GIS 地理信息系统、远程视频监控系统,精确地了解商砼车辆的各种运行状态、减少因车辆安全驾驶所造成的损失,在保障企业安全生产的同时也提高车辆的运行效率。

关键词:车联网云平台;北斗定位系统;ADAS 技术;传感器

中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0188-03

Design and Application of Commercial Concrete Vehicle Management System

WU Weizhong

(Guangzhou Yuefeng High & New Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China)

Abstract:Commercial concrete management system is the use of Beidou positioning system,mobile communication technology,visual recognition technology,smart sensors and other advanced technology,combining with the actual operation situation of commercial concrete industry,a set of real-time monitoring and intelligent dispatching management system for commercial concrete vehicles is established,which can be achieved through GIS geographic information system and remote video monitoring system,accurate understanding of the commercial concrete vehicles of all kinds of running state,reduce the loss caused by vehicle driving safety,ensure enterprise production safety as well as improve the operating efficiency of the vehicle.

Keywords:internet of vehicles cloud platform;Beidou positioning system;ADAS technology;sensor


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