摘 要:“蓝天保卫战”是我国旨在“改善环境空气质量,增强人民蓝天幸福感”的行动,实施期为三年,国家制定了详细的计划,在计划中划分了重点的监管区域,并指出区域内的相关企业必须落实错峰生产及重污染天气响应措施。在对这些企业进行监督的过程中,有效的监督措施主要包含以下几种:企业用电量监测、企业视频监控、大气污染物排放监测、物料衡算等。这几种措施各有特点,其中,很多地方的企业用电量监测措施是通过环保部门由电力部门获取企业的用电数据进行的,这些数据实时性较差,无法对企业关于错峰生产及重污染天气响应措施的落实情况作出及时的判断,无法起到实时监督的效果。本文提出利用现在流行的物联网技术构建企业用电量的实时监测系统,可以使环保部门实时掌握相关企业的用电情况,达到实时监督的目的。
中图分类号:TN929.5;TP391.44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0163-03
Internet of Things Technology Helps “Blue Sky Defense”
——Supervise Enterprises to Implement Emergency Response Measures for Off-peak Production and Heavy Pollution Weather
YAO Lifeng1,HAO Pingping2
(1.Dezhou Zhiguan Information Technology Co. Ltd.,Dezhou 253011,China;2.Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)
Abstract:The “blue sky defense” is our country aims to “improving the air environmental quality,enhancing people’s sense of happiness in the blue sky”,schedules for three years,the state formulates the detailed plan,divides the key regulatory area in the plan,and points out that the area of the related enterprises must implement the off-peak production and heavy pollution weather response measures,in the process of to supervise these companies,now effective supervision measures mainly include the following:enterprise electricity consumption monitoring,enterprise video monitoring,monitoring the emission of air pollutants,material balance,and so on. These measures have their own characteristics. Among them,the power consumption of enterprises is monitored,and many local environmental protection departments obtain the electricity consumption data of enterprises through the power department. These data cannot be real-time,and it is impossible to timely judge whether the enterprises have implemented the off-peak production and heavy pollution weather response measures,so the real-time supervision effect cannot be achieved. This paper proposes to use the current popular internet of things technology to build a real-time monitoring system of enterprise electricity consumption,which can enable the environmental protection department to grasp the situation of relevant enterprises’electricity consumption in real time and achieve the purpose of real-time supervision.
Keywords:blue sky defense;internet of things technology;off-peak production;heavy pollution weather
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