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(甘肃钢铁职业技术学院,甘肃 嘉峪关 735100)

摘  要:目前,物联网工程存在多种问题,如用户隐私泄露问题、维护成本高、设备管理难度高等,为有效解决以上问题,需要运用区块链技术。基于此,本文对区块链的涵义、特点进行了深入分析,然后深入阐述了区块链技术在物联网工程中的运用,包括物联网工程运用区块链技术的优势、区块链技术背景下物联网工程的架构等,然后提出了物联网运用区块链技术的挑战与改进措施,具有重要的意义。


中图分类号:TN929.5;TP311.13;TP391.44         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0167-03

Application of Block Chain Technology in Internet of Things Project


(Gansu Iron and Steel Vocational Technical College,Jiayuguan 735100,China)

Abstract:At present,there are many problems in the internet of things,such as user privacy leakage,high maintenance cost and high difficulty in equipment management. In order to effectively solve these problems,block chain technology is used. Based on this,this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the meaning and characteristics of block chain,and then elaborates the application of block chain technology in the internet of things project,including the advantages of block chain technology in the internet of things project,the architecture of the internet of things project under the background of block chain technology,and then puts forward the application of block chain technology in the internet of things industry. Then the challenges and improvement measures of applying block chain technology in the internet of things are put forward,which is of great significance.

Keywords:block chain technology;internet of things project;database technology


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