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(江西经济管理干部学院,江西 南昌 330088)

摘  要:随着物联网技术、计算机技术、通讯技术的高速发展,人们对智慧型图书馆的规划越来越多,将新的技术运用到图书馆建设中,把图书馆的智慧服务提高到了全新的高度。本文从图书馆新技术搜索使用热度出发,分析各类新技术在图书馆网状服务中的应用情况,预测可能出现的应用。提出了网状服务设计模型,将网络服务模型分为四层,包括以物联网为主导的基础设施层,以云存储、大数据分析及计算机技术为主导的数据资源存储层,以5G 网络等各类通信技术和各类智能终端设备为主导的互联网应用层,以智慧馆员及智慧服务为主导的智慧服务层。并对各层的功能和设计目标进行了分析和论述,对我国智慧图书馆的建设有一定的参考价值。

关键词:物联网;5G 通讯;图书馆网状服务模型;大数据

中图分类号:G250.76;TP391.44         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)21-0161-04

Research on Library Network Service Model Based on Internet of Things

LUO Zhaoxian,YU Wenpeng

(Jiangxi Institute of Economic Administrators,Nanchang 330088,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of internet of things technology,computer technology and communication technology,people are planning more and more intelligent libraries,applying new technology to the library construction,and improving the intelligent service of the library to a new height. This paper analyzes the application of all kinds of new technologies in the network service of the library and predicts the possible application from the perspective of the heat of searching and using new technologies in the library. It puts forward the network service design model,which is divided into four layers,including the infrastructure layer dominated by the internet of things,the data resource storage layer dominated by cloud storage,big data analysis and computer technology. Internet application layer dominated by various communication technologies such as 5G network and various intelligent terminal devices;intelligent service layer dominated by intelligent librarians and intelligent services. It also analyzes and discusses the functions and design objectives of each layer,which has certain reference value for the construction of intelligent library in China.

Keywords:internet of things;5G communication;library network service model;big data



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