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(天津市烟草专卖局,天津 300041)

摘  要:在商品的整个流程中涉及诸多环节,如商品生产环节、存储环节、加工环节、配送环节等,以及众多的参与主体,如企业监管部门、消费者、服务机构等。利用区块链的去中心化、无需信任、不可篡改等特性,可使数据在交易各方之间公开透明,解决流程体系内各参与主体之间的纠纷,实现举证与溯源,根除商品在流转过程中可能存在的信息恶意篡改问题。文章通过搭建联盟区块链平台并对其数据结构、业务合约进行合理设计,功能上达到了预期的目的,满足了多方主体在数据共享、业务协同等方面的需求,提升了商品全流程的管理效率。


中图分类号:TP311         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0165-03

Research on the Whole Process Traceability Method of Commodity Based on Consortium Blockchain

ZHANG Hongbo,FENG Huixin

(Tianjin Tobacco Monopoly Bureau,Tianjin 300041,China)

Abstract:The distribution of commodity is composed of many procedures,such as production,storage,handling,delivery,etc. Correspondingly,many participants are involved in these procedures,such as administrator,customer,service provider,etc. Due to the fact that blockchain is decentralized,trust-free and immutable,the data produced by the participants in the blockchain is open,thus the dispute among them can be solved. That means proof and accountability can be achieved. In addition,for the data produced during the distribution,the issue of malicious tampering is also avoided. In this paper,by building the alliance blockchain platform and reasonably designing its data structure and business contract,the expected purpose is achieved in function,which meets the needs of multi-party entities in data sharing,business collaboration and other aspects,and improves the management efficiency of the whole commodity process.

Keywords:blockchain;consortium blockchain;distribution;decentralization


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