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(公诚管理咨询有限公司,广东 广州 510610)

摘  要:智慧城市已经成为当前城市建设的发展目标,各个城市基于这一发展趋势都开始积极地采取措施进行城市建设。而在智慧城市建设中,规划发展人员较为重视的关键点在于物联网通信技术,通过对该技术的应用,智慧城市的建设将具备强大的技术支撑,同时能够为智慧城市的建设提供鲜明方向。文章结合近期关于智慧城市建设的实践经验,基于物联网通信技术,结合智慧城市建设特点,探讨了物联网通信技术在智慧城市建设中各个领域的应用,并分析了物联网通信技术在智慧城市建设中的应用动向。


中图分类号:TN929.5;TP391.44         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0174-03

Application of IoT Communication Technology in Smart City

WEN Huajiong

(Gongcheng Management Consulting Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510610,China)

Abstract:Smart cities have become the development goals of current urban construction. Based on this development trend,various cities have begun to actively take measures for urban construction. In the construction of smart cities,the key point that planners and developers pay more attention to is the internet of things communication technology. Through the application of this technology,the construction of smart cities will have strong technical support and can provide a clear direction for the construction of smart cities. Based on the recent practical experience in the construction of smart city,internet of things communication technology and the characteristics of smart city construction,this paper discusses the application of internet of things communication technology in various fields of smart city construction,and analyzes the application trend of internet of things communication technology in smart city construction.

Keywords:internet of things;communication technology;smart city;urban construction


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作者简介:文华炯(1985.06-),男,汉族,广东茂名人,本科,学士学位,中级工程师,注册监理工程师,一级建造师,注册设备监理师,信息系统监理师,Java 工程师,研究方向:5G 通信技术、物联网技术、人工智能技术。