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(浙江商业职业技术学院,浙江 杭州 310053)

摘  要:将智能语音技术应用于人机交互当中,能够提升人机交互的效率,克服人们在使用按键等传统的交互方式中容易出错的缺点,并且操作会更加方便。现有的农村电商系统几乎还没有采用智能语音技术,全部是传统的人机交互方式,对于农化程度不高的农村电商来说,易用性不好,比较难于操作,效率低下,甚至出现错误,造成不必要的损失。因此,为了解决现有农村电商系统的人机交互问题,并更好地服务于农村电商,加快农村电商的发展,在基于智能语音技术的情况下,研究并提出了如何实现农村电商智慧助理系统,以加快农村经济的发展。


中图分类号:TP311.5;TN912.3         文献标识码:       文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0180-03

Realization of Smart Assistant System of Rural E-commerce Based on Intelligent Voice Technology

SUN Xinlu

(Zhejiang Business College,Hangzhou 310053,China)

Abstract:The application of intelligent voice technology in human-computer interaction can improve the efficiency of humancomputer interaction,change people’s shortcomings in using buttons and other traditional interaction methods,and the operation will be more convenient. The existing rural e-commerce system almost does not use the intelligent voice technology,all of which are traditional human-computer interaction. For the rural e-commerce with low agricultural level,it is not easy to use,difficult to operate,inefficient,or even wrong,resulting in unnecessary losses. Therefore,in order to solve the human-computer interaction problem of the existing rural e-commerce system,better serve the rural e-commerce,and accelerate the development of rural e-commerce,based on the intelligent voice technology,this paper studies and proposes how to realize the rural e-commerce intelligent assistant system,in order to accelerate the development of rural economy.

Keywords:smart voice;rural e-commerce;human-computer interaction;speech recognition;speech synthesis

基金项目:2018 年浙江省教育厅一般科研项目(Y201840291)


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