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(中电福富信息科技有限公司,福建 福州 350013)

摘  要:随着我国信息化发展进程的快速推进,使用物联网和信息化手段来管理产业园区成为园区发展的趋势。文章对智慧园区的建设体系进行了概述与研究,并对智慧园区的系统架构设计、应用方案设计、平台安全设计展开研究,设计了较完整的智慧园区平台体系,最后经过落地案例的运营成效,说明智慧园区平台能一定程度上提高园区的管理效率和服务水平。


中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)22-0167-04

Design and Application of Intelligent Park Platform

YE Xianyi

(Chinatelecom Fufu Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350013,China)

Abstract:With the rapid advancement of the country’s informatization development process,the use of the internet of things and informatization methods to manage industrial parks has become the trend of the park development. The article summarize and research the construction system of the intelligent park,and research on the system architecture design,application scheme design,and platform security design of the intelligent park. A more complete intelligent park platform system is designed. Finally,the operation effect of the case proves that the intelligent park platform can improve the management efficiency and service level of the park.

Keywords:intelligent park;internet of things;corporate services;system design


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