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基于Wi-Fi 时空数据的位置预测
(中原工学院 计算机学院,河南 郑州 450007)

摘  要:在位置预测研究中,历史轨迹通常呈现分布稀疏和结构单一的特点,导致预测模型准确率下降。针对此问题,利用用户属性特征和历史轨迹特征度量用户相似性,对相似用户进行分簇;并提出基于相似用户簇的LSTM 神经网络预测模型SG-LSTM(Similar Group based LSTM model),以改善轨迹数据的稀疏性问题。实验表明,模型能够较好地捕捉用户的移动规律,预测准确率超过87.90%,在准确率和时间复杂度方面均优于传统模型。


中图分类号:TN92         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)24-0164-05

Location Prediction Based on Wi-Fi Spatiotemporal Data

ZHANG Shuqin,WANG Jinyang,BAI Guangyao,ZHANG Minzhi

(School of Computer Science,Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 450007,China)

Abstract:In the research of location prediction,historical trajectories usually show the characteristics of sparse distribution and single structure,which leads to a decline in the accuracy of the prediction model. To solve this problem,the similarity of users is measured by using user attribute characteristics and historical track characteristics,and similar users are clustered;and proposes similar user cluster based LSTM neural network prediction model SG-LSTM(Similar Group based LSTM model)to improve the sparsity of trajectory data. The experimental results show that the model can better capture the user’s movement rule,and the prediction accuracy is more than 87.90%,which is better than the traditional model in terms of accuracy and time complexity.

Keywords:sparse spatiotemporal data;user similarity;LSTM;location prediction

基金项目:河南省高校重点科研项目(18B520044,19A520048,21A520053); 河南省科技攻关项目(182102210526);河南省教育厅青年骨干教师项目(2017GGJS118)


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