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(上海工程技术大学 管理学院,上海 201620)

摘  要:随着经济发展,消费者对生鲜的需求日益提高,而生鲜产品所必经的冷链物流有着低温、复杂等特点,消费者难以了解产品生产信息,无从保障自身权益。针对问题,利用区块链的防篡改特性,设计了冷链溯源信息系统。按照占有的区块链节点数量进行排名,以驱动生产厂商记录节点。此外,系统主要实现了生产厂商生产报备过程和公众查询产品信息功能。该系统可以更好地加强冷链产品管理,有效地实现冷链产品溯源。



中图分类号:TP311.13                                文献 标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)02-0142-07

Design of Cold Chain Traceability Information System Based on Blockchain

DONG Wentao,LIU Sheng,CAI Mingming,WANG Ning,TAO Zui

(School of Management Studies,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China)

Abstract:With the development of economy,consumers’demand for fresh food is increasing day by day,and the cold chain logistics that fresh products must go through has the characteristics of low temperature and complexity,so it is difficult for consumers to understand the production information of products and protect their own rights and interests. To solve the problem,the cold chain traceability information system is designed by using the tamper proof characteristics of blockchain. Ranking,which is according to the number of occupied blockchain nodes,is made to drive the manufacturer record nodes. In addition,the system mainly realizes the production reporting process of manufacturers and product information query function of the public. This system can better strengthen the management of cold chain products and effectively realize the traceability of cold chain products.

Keywords:blockchain;cold chain traceability;food safety;information system


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