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基于 Fabric 联盟链的个性化背书方案研究与设计
(国家信息中心,北京 100045)

摘  要:目前市场供应链环节存在虚假供应信息、数据质量差等问题。区块链技术具有数据防篡改、多方共享、可溯源、分布式存储等优势,能有效解决这些问题,但初始上链数据是否真实需要进行判定。充分利用联盟链具有的多方组织、共同维护、支持智能合约等优势,设计基于 Fabric 联盟链的个性化背书方案,在数据上链之前可通过智能合约对上链数据进行校验,创新性地解决了初始上链数据的失真问题。



中图分类号:TP311                                      文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)06-0180-05

Research and Design of Personalized Endorsement Scheme Based on Fabric Alliance Chain

LI Jingui

(State Information Center,Beijing 100045,China)

Abstract:At present,there are problems such as false supply information and poor data quality in the market supply chain link. Blockchain technology has the advantages of data tamper proof,multi-party sharing,traceability,distributed storage and so on,which can effectively solve the above problems. But whether the initial linked data is true or not,which needs to be judged. Making full use of the advantages of multiple organizers,joint maintenance,support for smart contracts owned by alliance chain,this paper designs a personalized endorsement scheme based on the Fabric alliance chain. Before the data is linked, the linked data can be verified by smart contract, which innovatively solves the distortion problem of initial linked data.

Keywords:blockchain;alliance chain;smart contract;personalized endorsement


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作者简介:李金贵(1988—),男,汉族,山东枣庄人,工程 师,硕士研究生,研究方向:位置大数据、政府信息化。