摘 要:互联网的快速发展带动了快递行业的空前繁荣,但快递行业仍存在“最后一公里”的资源浪费、效率低下、可靠性不足以及用户体验感差等一系列问题。文章依托物联网技术,构建智能运送机器人派件系统,制造一种具备自动取件和派送功能的机器人。该机器人可以自动循迹送货,亦可按照客户要求到指定位置取件然后再将物品运送至指定位置。从而最大限度地解放劳动力,提升物流运输效率并满足客户急件运输的需求。
基金项目:西北民族大学国家级大学生创新 创业训练计划资助项目(202110742031)
中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)17-0178-04
Research on Campus Express Delivery Control System Based on Internet of Things
TIAN Junhang, YIN Hongming, ZHONG Yefei, DONG Hao, LIU Xin
(Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730000, China)
Abstract: The rapid development of the internet has driven the unprecedented prosperity of the express delivery industry. However, the express delivery industry still has a series of problems such as “the last mile” resources waste, low efficiency, insufficient reliability, and poor user experience. Relying on the internet of things technology, this paper constructs an intelligent delivery robot dispatch system, and builds a robot with automatic pickup and dispatch functions. The robot can automatically track delivery, or arrive at the designated location to complete the pickup process according to the customer's requirements, and then deliver the items to the customer's designated location. In this way, labor is liberated to the greatest extent, the efficiency of logistics and transportation is improved, the needs of users for urgent transportation are met.
Keywords: Raspberry Pi; intelligent delivery robot; control system; WeChat applet
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作者简介:田君航(2001.01—),男,苗族,贵州雷山人,本科在读,研究方向:电气工程及其自动化;通讯作者:吴韬 (1979.08—),男,回族,宁夏石嘴山人,副教授,学士学位, 研究方向:电力电子与电力拖动。