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基于区块链技术的病案管理系统效果研究 ——以四川省某医院为例
(成都中医药大学 管理学院,四川 成都 611137)

摘  要:以四川省某医院为例,针对病案管理存在的问题,进行了基于区块链技术的病案管理系统创新设计与效果评估研究。采用了问卷调查法、访问法、实验法,通过新旧系统和同级医院数据的比较,基于区块链技术的新系统极大地满足了医院病案管理的功能性需求和非功能性需求。提出了继续深入完善信息化建设;提升病案管理相关人员综合素质;建立完善的病案管理规定,保护患者、医生等系统相关人员的合法权益;建立绩效评价体系的建议。



基金项目:2020 年四川省科技厅软科学研究项目(2020JDR0228);2017 年四川医院管理和发展研究中心科技项目(SCYG2017-16);2021 年成都中医药大学“杏林学者”研究专项项目(DJYB2021022)

中图分类号:TP39;R195                              文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)20-0190-05

Research on the Effect of Medical Record Management System Based on Block-chain Technology

—Take a Hospital in Sichuan Province as an Example

YANG Songtian, WANG Yi

(School of Management, Chengdu University of TCM, Chengdu 611137, China)

Abstract: Taking a hospital in Sichuan Province as an example, in allusion to the problems existing in medical record management,this paper studies the innovative design and effect evaluation of medical record management system based on block-chain technology. The methods of questionnaire survey, interview and experiment are adopted. Through the data comparison between the old and new systems and the hospitals at the same level, the new system based on block-chain technology can greatly meet the functional and non-functional requirements of hospital medical record management. It is proposed to further improve the informatization construction; improve the comprehensive quality of medical record management personnel; establish perfect medical record management regulations to protect the legitimate rights and interests of patients, doctors and other system related personnel; establish suggestion on performance evaluation system.

Keywords: Block-chain technology; record management system; electronic medical record


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