摘 要:自动灌溉系统通过对浇灌设备的自动控制,通过技术在浇灌方面达到节水的目的。文章研究的是基于 STC89C52单片机自动浇灌系统,通过 ADC0832 模块,采集土壤湿度传感器信号,并将模拟量转换成数字量,并由单片机对数据进行分析处理;通过 DHT11 模块,对外部环境温湿度进行检测;通过 LCD1602 液晶显示,将数据显示在屏幕上;通过蜂鸣器、发光二极管,完成声光预警模块;通过继电器模块控制水泵,完成自动浇灌的目的。
关键词:STC89C52;A/D 转换;YL-69;LCD1602
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)06-0172-04
Design of Automatic Irrigation System Based on Single-Chip Microcomputer
XU Xiaoxia
(School of Information and Engineering, Xi’an Technology and Business College, Xi’an 710200, China)
Abstract: Through the automatic control of irrigation equipment, automatic irrigation system achieves the purpose of water saving by technology in irrigation. This paper studies the automatic irrigation system based on STC89C52 single-chip, through ADC0832 module, collects soil moisture sensor signal, and converts analog quantity into digital quantity, and analyzes and processes data by single chip. It detects the external environment temperature and humidity by DHT11 module, displays the data on the screen through LCD1602 liquid display, completes the sound and light warning module by the buzzer and light-emitting diode, completes the purpose of automatic irrigation through controlling water pump by the relay module.
Keywords: STC89C52; AD conversion; YL-69; LCD1602
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