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(防灾科技学院 信息工程学院,河北 廊坊 065201)

摘  要:在人员流动大的地方,顾客携带的个人物品难以管理,现有的条码型储物柜虽然能满足顾客存储物品的需求,但还是存在缺陷,不能完全满足顾客的需求。为了解决这些问题,通过分析目前市面上的条码型储物柜,总结出了人们对公共场所的储物柜的需求,进而设计了一套适用于大型购物商城、景点和娱乐场所等场合使用的智能储物柜以及物品存放的管理系统。




中图分类号:TN929.5                                      文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)08-0162-03

Interconnected Honeycomb Cabinet Based on Mobile Internet of Things Application

CHEN Feng, SUN Xiaoye, GAO Yihang

(School of Information Engineering, Institute of Disaster Prevention, Langfang 065201, China)

Abstract: In places with large personnel flow, the personal belongings carried by customers are difficult to manage. Although the existing bar code storage cabinets can meet the needs of customers for storing items, they still have defects and can not fully meet the needs of customers. In order to solve these problems, by analyzing the current bar code storage cabinets on the market, this paper summarizes people’s needs for storage cabinets in public places, and then designs a set of intelligent storage cabinets and items storage management system suitable for large shopping malls, scenic spots, entertainment places and so on.

Keywords: Internet of Things; intelligent storage cabinet; management system; bluetooth 


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